Nezera films FOCUSES on producing and directing content through a lens that is both journalistic and holistic. This is achieveD by partnering my production skills from a 25+ year career in storytelling with my gifts and training in holistic healing work.
The clients I work with tend to be interested in approaching their creative projects with curiosity, self-awareness and authenticity.
About Nicole
Nicole Vinnola is an Emmy-award winning producer, freelance content creator and filmmaker. After spending her childhood overseas, she returned to the US keen on pursuing journalism as a career. After she graduated college she was awarded a fellowship with The International Radio and Television Society to work with the icon, Barbara Walters, on her new talk show, The View, on ABC. Nicole’s career officially began at PBS’ The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. In time, she pivoted to become a freelance producer and worked for clients like National Geographic, History Channel, Animal Planet, and a handful of others. Over the last 25+ years she has developed, written, produced and directed projects for a variety of wonderful companies, authors, and educators. Nicole was awarded an NATAS Regional Emmy and another in 2011, and the following year was a part of Film Independent’s Talent Development program; Project Involve.
Nicole is currently developing work to share on her own platform.